Clam with ginger and tarragon


200 grams of clams per person for a starter and 400 grams for a main course
10 cm of fresh ginger
1 bunch of tarragon
1 pinch of Espelette pepper
1 tablespoon of lemon oil


Soak (if possible in sea water) the shellfish and change the water 5 times, stirring from time to time

Preparation of herbs and condiments

Peel 10 cm of fresh ginger and cut into small cubes.

Chop a bunch of tarragon in a glass (or use another fresh herb) and set aside


When the guests are at the table, not before, heat a pan of water to white, then throw in the clams while stirring and cover. The clams will open in a few minutes. Add the ginger in small pieces and the chopped tarragon, then sprinkle with lemon olive oil. Finally, add a turn of the pepper mill and a pinch of Espelette pepper.


Lorsque les invités sont à table, pas avant, faites chauffer une casserole d'eau à blanc, puis jetez-y les palourdes en remuant et couvrez. Les palourdes s'ouvriront en quelques minutes. Ajouter le gingembre en petits morceaux et l'estragon haché, puis arroser d'huile d'olive citronnée. Enfin, ajoutez un tour de moulin à poivre et une pincée de piment d'Espelette.

This recipe is suitable for most shellfish: mussels, cockles, clams, razor clams, clams, almonds, tellins ... Recipe without salt (the iodine of shellfish is enough) and very little fat

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