Back of cod rubbed with smoked paprika, candied turnips with spices and orange
For 6 people
Fish :
6 cod backs of 180g approx.
1 kg of coarse grey Guérande salt
2 tsp. coffee of smoked paprika
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 yellow lemons
1 lime
50 cl of water
250 g of sugar
1 sprig of rosemary
50 g of ginger
Turnips :
3 long turnips
100 g butter
1 tsp. honey
½ liter of squeezed orange juice
Pendja pepper
Mixture of roasted spices
Porcini mushrooms :
6 large porcini mushrooms
Olive oil
Creamed :
50 g peeled grey shrimps
1/2 crab
1 bunch of fresh coriander
1 cube of roast juice
50 cl of fresh cream
Put the cod fillets to salt for ¾ of an hour.
Then rinse with cold water to remove salt, pat dry and set aside.
Mix half of the smoked paprika with the olive oil.
Generously brush the cod steaks on both sides.
In a saucepan, put the 1/2 crab, the grey shrimps, the bouquet of fresh coriander, the cube of roast juice and the cream.
Heat gently to a boil, then let infuse.
Combine sugar and water and bring to a boil.
Add the lemon peel and cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
Dry them, chop them and set them aside.
Râper le gingembre, hacher le romarin et les ajouter tous les deux aux zestes de citrons hachés.
Peel the turnips and cut them with a cookie cutter.
Brown them in butter, add honey, deglaze with orange juice, add pepper and spice mix.
Cook melting.
Clean and cut the ceps into nice slices.
Chop the chives
Fry the ceps in olive oil, season with salt and pepper and add chives.
Cook the cod steaks in a steamer for 6 minutes.
If you don't have a steamer, add 4 tbsp. of fish stock to a dish, place the steaks and cook at 220° for 6 minutes.
Remove the cobblestones from the oven and sprinkle with the remaining paprika.
Heat the sauce, strain, add the turmeric to give it color, adjust the seasoning and emulsify.
Arrange the turnips and the slices of porcini mushrooms.
Place the cod on top and sprinkle with the lemon zest, rosemary and ginger mixture.
Finish with the emulsified sauce.
Back of cod rubbed with smoked paprika, candied turnips with spices and orange
Perfect match with Château de Fargues 2014
Château de Fargues